Monday, October 13, 2014

Pumpkin Oatmeal Creme Pies with Pumpkin Buttercream

. Guess what special ingredient these delicious cookies have?  Pumpkin, of course. It's Fall! Everything has to have pumpkin right? lol.  Well, they have another cool ingredient!!  Pumpkin Spice Pudding Mix!! I have had chocolate chip pudding cookies before and I fell in love.  The pudding makes the cookies softer than usual and adds a great flavor.  When I saw the Pumpkin Spice Pudding Mix at the grocery store, I knew I had to use it for pumpkin cookies! I had so many ideas for pumpkin cookies.  I had one cookie that...
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Thursday, October 9, 2014

Easy and Delicious Buttercream Icing

. Buttercream icing is one of my favorite things on the planet! I wouldn't be surprised if I land myself in a diabetic coma one day from eating so much of it.  We always have just a tad of a batch left over.  Instead of throwing it out, I make my husband package it up for me.  That way I can eat it straight from a spoon later.  Please tell me I'm normal.  Does anyone else have an icing problem? I'm a stay at home mom, but I stay at home and I paint, make cookies, and decorate cakes on the side. I guess you could say I "try" to do it all.  I'm...
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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Crock Pot Caramel Apple Pie Spice

My first job was as a barista at the local Starbucks.  I had no clue what I was doing.  Thinking back it was pretty embarrasing at first.  The first three months I was a mess.  Then one day all of the recipes, people, and motivation just clicked.  I couldn't get enough of work after that point lol.  I knew all of the regulars and their orders.  I became the shift supervisor.  I made a ton of friends and made some of the best memories!  I truly miss it!  I can't walk into Starbucks now without feeling a little sad. It has been several...
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Monday, September 15, 2014

Cheesy Vegetable Chowder

I have been waiting for fall since Spring.  As I get older it becomes more and more of my favorite season.  When I was younger I loved summer...but I'm over that.   I love the cool crisp weather and being able to bundle up in a hoodie.  I love all of the beautiful colors and smells that autumn brings.  I love ALL things pumpkin, and now I love soups and chowders!  This week I believe fall has arrived. The weather change has been wonderful!  However, going from 90 degrees to 70 degrees in a day has caused major allergies.  My...
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Saturday, September 6, 2014

Pizza Pasta

I think we have been on a pizza kick lately.  The other day I posted my Chicken Bacon Ranch Pizza and now I am posting this.  I don't think I see weight loss coming anytime soon!  That's ok... I'll just be fat and happy :p My grandma brought me a recipe very similar to this for my father's birthday dinner.  I LOVED it!  I tweeked it and it was a huge success with my toddlers. My girls are my worst critics.  They are picky and hardly ever eat anything except chicken nuggets, corn dogs, and mac and cheese.  I usually ask them "Is...
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Friday, August 29, 2014

In My Spare Time....

Recently I have been a little MIA from the blog lately.  It's not because I don't love you!  I promise I do! "I do..I do...I doooo-oooo" (in my nerdiest Orange Soda voice)My life has been a little more than chaotic lately.  In the mix of raising two tiny, mischievious, most opinionated, and sassy little girls I needed a break. After about 5 year, I picked up a paint brush again and I started to paint.  Painting gives me such a fulfillment. Everything is quiet.  I make my own little bubble for me and my canvas and it is pure serenity. I call it "My mommy getaway."...
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