Thursday, June 5, 2014

Brown Sugar Baked Beans

Do not let the sloppy look of these baked beans scare you away.  They are absolutely AMAZING! I think my husband could eat them all day everyday if I would let him. My husband and I moved into our new home in January.  We are so grateful for the new season and beautiful weather because we can finally enjoy our new yard!  We have a ton of room for guests, which means I want to have plenty of cookouts!  The other day started with my sister in law coming to visit.  I made pulled pork barbeque sandwiches, homemade coleslaw, fruit, butterfinger cake, and these...
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Sunday, June 1, 2014

Butterfinger Poke Cake

Summertime is my favorite season of all!  Other than the heat....and having to wear bathing suits, it always makes me so happy.  There is just so much to do when it is warm and beautiful outside.  We have been going to the pool with friends, fishing in our pond, meeting friends at the lake, and don't even get me started on the cookouts people have. When it comes to cookouts I always want to make an AMAZING JAW DROPPING dish. I mean, I want people to know I can cook! I love it when others ask me for recipes, especially friends and family.  It makes me feel all...
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