Friday, July 11, 2014

Blackberry Dumplings

When I was a little girl I remember my mom going to pick blackberries.  She loved stopping on the side of the road just to pick them.  I never really got into it as much as she did.  However, this summer has been bringing back those memories.  I see blackberries and bushes everywhere I go it seems like. Recently, I remembered my mom making blackberry dumplings with berries we had hand picked one evening. This memory made me crave them.  I couldn't find any bushes around my yard so I had to settle with ones already picked from the grocery store.  No worries!...
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Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Banana Chocolate Chip Bread

I always buy too many bananas.  I eventually forget that I even have them and they just sit on the counter screaming "Please use me!" Days later my girl's finally see them and start screaming for bananas.  I pull them out of the bag the grocer packaged them up in and TADA!...they have black polka dots, are extremely squishy, and I have to somehow think of a way to destract the kids with some other type of snack. This bribing doesn't work for them.  They don't forget anything and they aren't going to just let me get away with this. I tell the husband to occupy them for...
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