Friday, August 29, 2014

In My Spare Time....

Recently I have been a little MIA from the blog lately.  It's not because I don't love you!  I promise I do! "I do..I do...I doooo-oooo" (in my nerdiest Orange Soda voice)My life has been a little more than chaotic lately.  In the mix of raising two tiny, mischievious, most opinionated, and sassy little girls I needed a break. After about 5 year, I picked up a paint brush again and I started to paint.  Painting gives me such a fulfillment. Everything is quiet.  I make my own little bubble for me and my canvas and it is pure serenity. I call it "My mommy getaway."...
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Chicken Bacon Ranch Pizza

Pizza is pretty much everyone's favorite.  It's the "Im too lazy to cook" food.  It is the "WOO! Party time!  Let's have pizza!" food.  Pretty much whatever situation you have going on ... pizza is always the answer. When I was dating my husband we ate a LOT of pizza.  Too much pizza probably.  We found out about the  Domino's online ordering and LOVED to order and play.  Something about watching your pizza process online is just so much fun! Eventually we got bored of our "usual" pizza orders and decided to branch out.  We...
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